Upcoming Retreat

🫶 Join me on July 27th starting at 8:00am Pacific Time for “Compassionate Connection with the Body,” a Meditation & Qigong Retreat on Banyan Together. Let’s practice RAIN—Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture—to cultivate compassionate awareness toward ourselves. Our day will be filled with guided meditations, mindful movement, and meaningful discussions, all designed to deepen our connection to peace and well-being.

🌿 Secure your spot and join us in this transformative experience. Let’s continue to awaken together!

Eoghan Mentorship Group Led by Constance Casey meets every Mondays at 4:00pm Central Standard Time

Mentorship Group: Eoghan

Receive personalized teachings in 90-minute sessions with a small group of dedicated individuals on BanyanTogether.com. Join this circle of sincere practitioners to receive direct feedback with Constance’s guidance and dig deeper into the challenges you face with your mindfulness practice.

Meets Mondays at 2pm Pacific

Join Constance's Mindful Friends Groups

Exploring Mindfulness
Sun 9:00am Pacific
Exploring Mindfulness
Mon 4:00pm Pacific
Mindfulness for Aging
Tues 6:00am Pacific
Guided Meditation
Tues 8:00am Pacific

As a teacher, I am continuously touched by the compassionate connections I witness every day on BanyanTogether.com, founded by Jack Kornfield & Tara Brach.

Participate in Live Weekly Mindful Friends Groups on wise topics, Guided Meditations, Silent Sits, Day Long-Retreats and much more--all for $49/month. There is a 14-day free trial.